In «Journal of New Music Research», Volume 30, NUMBER 4, December 2001
Editor-in-chief: Marc Leman
Special Issue: Conservation, Restoration and Archiving of Electroacoustic Music
The peculiarity of the audio material present in the electronic compositions on tape, the technology with which they were generated, and the cultural modifications produced by a new medium, raise extra problems which cannot be reduced to the normal praxis of audio restoration. In the restoration of pure electronic music we do not have to retrace the "true" sound of performer but we have to safeguard, through an interpretative process of the materials, through the compositional and recording techniques of the time, the sound quality of the signal which is considered the best according to the operational standards of the time. On the other hand, computer technology dedicated to audio restoration does not seem to be decisive at present. From a conceptual point of view, it is incorporated in the technological dimension of electronic music and cannot, therefore, provide total solutions to the problems involved in the restoration of sound materials of electronic origin. We are thus induced to rethink the fundamental principles of restoration and to reflect on a metaoperating level, starting from questions of method, which will be approached in this article through a historical re-visit of the most important theories on audio restoration and its technical and scientific evolution.
[ tratto dalla pagina ufficiale dell'articolo ]
Sergio Canazza and Alvise Vidolin:
Introduction: Preserving Electroacoustic Music (p. 289)
Section 1
Hugh Davies:
The Preservation Performances of Electronic Musical Instruments (p. 295)
Joel Chadabe:
Preserving Performances of Electronic Music (p. 303)
Angelo Orcalli:
On the Methodologies of Audio Restoration (p. 307)
Section 2
Simon J. Godsill, Patrick J. Wolfe and William N. W. Fong:
Statistical Model-Based Approaches to Audio Restoration and Analysis (p. 323)
Andrzej Czyzewski:
Applications of Neural Networks and Perceptual Masking to Audio Restoration (p. 339)
Andrea Bari, Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli and Gian Antonio Mian:
Toward a Methodology for the Restoration of Electroacoustic Music (p. 351)
Section 3
Sergio Canazza and Angelo Orcalli:
Preserving Musical Cultural Heritage at MIRAGE (p. 365)
Johannes Goebel:
IDEAMA - The International Digital Electroacoustic Music Archive (p. 375)
Goffredo Haus and Maria Luisa Pelegrin Pajuelo:
Music Processing Technologies for Rescuing Music Archives at Teatro alla Scala and Bolshoi Theatre (p. 381)
Marc Leman, Jelle Dierickx and Gaëtan Martens:
The IPEM-archive Conservation and Digitalization Project (p. 389)
Maddalena Novati:
The Archive of the "Studio di Fonologia di Milano della RAI" (p. 395)
Daniel Terruggi:
Preserving and Diffusing (p. 403)
Laura Zattra, Giovanni De Poli and Alvise Vidolin:
Yesterdays Sounds Tomorrow. Preservation at CSC (p. 407)